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December 4, 2013
7:00 p.m.
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center

Members Present:        
Anthony Costello, Robert Lowell, Michael Scott, Kenneth Strom, Matthew Kennedy, Michael Krikonis, Luke Boucher

Staff Present:          
Pamela Harding, Conservation Agent
Michael Andrade, Graves Engineering; William Senecal, Lamoureux Pagano; Michael Pagano, Lamoureux Pagano; Gary Kazmarek, Town of Holden; David White, Mt.
View School Building Committee; Rocky and Sue D’Angelo; Rick and Candy Graham; James Mateychuk; Chuck Miller; Kenneth Lipka; Theresa Lipka; Tom Runstrom.

Matthew Kennedy opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.  

7:00 p.m        NOTICE OF INTENT – Mt. View Middle School – 270 Shrewsbury Street – Town of Holden  Michael Andrade, Graves Engineering discussed results of the downstream analysis requested by the Commission.   Revised plans and data were distributed to the Commission.  The Department of Environmental Protection removed the mapped Zone A tributary designation which incorrectly mapped an existing stormwater outlet.

The downstream analysis identified three 18” culverts which limited flow under current conditions, this resulted in increasing the capacity of the detention pond.   

The revised basin is 6.5 feet deep. Native material will be utilized on the slope of the berm to create uniform infiltration.   Depth of water at the 100 year storm event was 5.5’.   The rates and durations were compared at the 3 limiting 18” culverts and the peaks did not increase.   There is 1’ of free board.    The Cornell rainfall data resulted in an increase of almost 2 inches for the 100 year storm event.   Connecticut standards for rip rap sizing of the outlet were utilized because MassDOT does not have a standard.

Flooding duration analysis showed a slight increase in duration, all less than one hour of time.  

Mr. D’Angelo questioned where runoff from snow plowing would be directed, it would likely be plowed over the back edge of the parking area and eventually flow downgradient toward the wetland.    Kenneth Lipka, Ottoson Way asked what the increase in runoff from the site would be, the results of the downstream analysis were explained.  

MaryAnn Cataldo, 22 Ottoson Way, stated there was a stream behind and beside her home and she has current flooding conditions, she stated that she does not want any additional water on her property from this development.  Matthew Kennedy explained that is why the Commission asked for additional information on peak flows and duration of stormwater.

Dave Getman, DCR requested the design incorporate rain gardens to treat stormwater management and serve as an educational tool for students.

David White, Chair of the Mountview School Building Committee stated it could be discussed but the Committee has to consider construction and long term maintenance costs.

Michael Krikonis made a motion to close the public hearing, Kenneth Strom seconded the motion.  Michael Scott made a motion to issue a standard Order with the following special conditions;

29.  A waiver is granted to allow disturbance within the 25’ buffer zone for construction of a parking lot in the vicinity of Wetland Flag # 36-26.  
30.  “No Snow Storage” signs must be installed along the northern perimeter of the northern parking lot to prevent runoff from entering the steep slope which grades toward Ottoson Way.  
31.  The Applicant must provide a list of the responsible parties for management of the stormwater maintenance system for both pre and post construction.  A long term funding mechanism for post construction maintenance of the stormwater management system must be provided.  
  • Maintenance of the stormwater management system must be performed in accordance    with the Operation and Maintenance Plan.  An annual report detailing maintenance tasks   must be provided to the Conservation Commission.
Kenneth Strom seconded the motion, all were in favor, motion passed 6-0, Robert Lowell obstained from voting.  

ABBREVIATED NOTICE OF RESOURCE AREA DELINEATION – C.B. Blair Development Greenwood Estates – Union Street  EcoTec, Inc was hired to conduct peer review of the resource areas.  The site walk was conducted on November 5, 2013. A revised plan was submitted to incorporate comments received from Arthur Allen, and a letter was received stating that plan revisions dated November 20, 2013 have satisfied all concerns.  Michael Scott made a motion to approve the November 20, 2013 plan and, Luke Boucher seconded the motion all were in favor.  

AMENDMENT TO NOTICE OF INTENT – Quinapoxet Street-temporary gravel operation Jefferson Meadows, LLC DEP File # 183-547 – The applicant requested a continuance to the January 5, 2014 meeting to allow additional time for the 401 Water Quality Permitting to be completed.  Robert Lowell made a motion to grant the continuance, Michael Krikonis seconded the motion, all were in favor, 7-0.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE – TOWN OF HOLDEN DEP File # 183-143 - Lot 35, 29 Holly Circle an This is an Order issued for construction of the Fox Hill subdivision which was accepted by the Town.  Michael Scott voted to release the Order, Kenneth Strom seconded the motion, all were in favor, 7-0.  

The Commission discussed hiring an intern for the Summer to close out expired Orders of Conditions.  The Agent will check to determine if it is an allowable use of Conservation Commission funds.  

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE – 30 Cimarron Lane (Lot E) DEP File #183-366 - B.A. Sundin & Son, Inc. Previously denied, no new info

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE – 40 Sheffield Way DEP File #183-516 - Hadley Construction of Single Family Home Previously denied, no new info.  

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE –    Bullard Estates - Casa Development
Lot 3 Preservation Lane, DEP File #183-554  Lot 4 Preservation Lane, DEP File # 183-557
Lot 5, Preservation Lane, DEP File #183-555  The construction of single family homes within the Bullard Estates subdivision.  The 25’ no disturb barrier was not installed on any of the lots, the item was continued to the Spring.  

Michael Krikonis made a motion to approve the minutes from November 6, 2013, Anthony Costello seconded the motion, motioned passed 5-0.  Robert Lowell and Michael Scott obstained from voting.  

Michael Krikonis made a motion to adjourn, Anthony Costello seconded the motion, all were in favor, 6-0.

The next meeting will be conducted on January 8, 2014

The December 4, 2013 meeting minutes were approved on March 5, 2014.

Pamela Harding, Conservation Agent